
One of the goals of the PAC is to help create a friendly school environment that is comfortable for both parents and children. Getting to know the parents of the school enriches the learning environment for both the parent and the child, and helps create invaluable connections with each other.

The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of volunteer parents whose goal it is to add to the educational experiences of all students at the school. To this end, we run a number of events and fundraisers through the year including things like Hot Lunch (every two weeks), plant sales, the Fun Fair and more! The money we raise goes towards books in the library, music equipment, playground equipment, live music/theatre for students, field trips and MORE! We are working towards being more eco-friendly and to go paperless whenever possible. Therefore, we ask that you join us on one of our online platforms. We can be found on:






We also operate ALL of our hot lunch programs and MANY fundraisers through our Munchalunch platform. If you are new to the school, please create a family account.
If you are returning to the school, please simply login and select your child’s current classroom.

PAC meetings are on Thursdays from 6-7, both in person at the Nanaimo North Library and via Microsoft Teams. The link for each meeting will be shared via the above social media links, as well as in the Friday memo on the week before the meeting. We hope you can all attend, in whichever way is most suitable for you and your families.

February 27, 2025

April 24, 2025

May 22, 2025

June 18, 2025 *AGM and will be held at the school

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

  • MunchaLunch

  • If you would like to order a hot lunch for your child(ren), you can sign in or register here!